
Polish-Hungarian Friendship Day
Every year on 23 March is celebrated Polish-Hungarian Friendship Day. It commemorates more than 1,000 years of brotherly relations between two great nations. Polish-Hungarian relations abounded in great figures who made a permanent impression on history. These...

Facilitating the establishment of companies by foreigners – amendments to the Code of Commercial Companies
At the end of 2022, amendments to the Code of Commercial Companies facilitating the establishment of companies by foreigners came into force. According to them: it is no longer mandatory for persons who are not required to have a PESEL number to be entered in the KRS....

Last call for foreigners without PESEL – PIT 11
31 January is the deadline for employers to submit PIT-11 to the tax office. The settlement for 2022 will have to include the real PESEL number. Last year, it was possible to settle with the tax office by entering only a series of numbers such as 1 or 9. This solution...

Amendment to the Law on Aid to Citizens of Ukraine
The President signed an amendment to the Act on Aid to Citizens of Ukraine. In addition to the increased financial contribution of Ukrainian refugees to their maintenance in Poland, widely reported in the media, the amendments apply in a fundamental way to the...

Deportation of illegal immigrants to their country of origin
The first reading of an amendment to the Act on Foreigners took place in the Sejm. The draft concerns the return of illegally staying in the European Union third-country citizens to their home countries. The regulation is intended to bring Polish law in line with EU...

From 1 January 2023 Belarusian citizens can obtain a Polish travel document
From 1 January 2023, Belarusian citizens staying in Poland on the basis of a visa issued for humanitarian purposes may obtain a Polish travel document. It is issued for a period of 1 year and during its validity period it entitles to multiple border crossings. A...