
End of the state of epidemic emergency?
On Wednesday, 19 April, Minister of Health Adam Niedzielski announced that the state of epidemic emergency will most probably be terminated at the end of June. The termination of the state of emergency would not be insignificant for the legality of the stay of...

Work visas out of turn for almost 40 professions
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is working on a ordinance to allow people in one of the 38 professions set out in the annex to the ordinance to obtain a national work visa out of turn. The professions defined in the regulation include: specialist doctors nurses...

Revocation of COVID regulations and legality of stay of foreigners in Poland – 24 August 2023
On 24 August 2023, the special arrangements for foreigners staying in Poland introduced in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic will expire, including: residence periods and validity periods of national visas in cases where the last day of the period of stay under...

The time for applying to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for national visas for citizens of Belarus and Ukraine has expired
As of 31 March 2023 🕔 the period provided for in § 2 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of 18 August 2022 on issuing national visas to foreigners residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland (Dz. U. pos. 1809, as amended), in which citizens of...

Finland joins NATO
On 4 April 2023. Finland officially became a member of NATO. With this, the alliance now consists of 31 countries worldwide. Finland will certainly become an important component of NATO's eastern flank and will not only secure its existence, but also provide important...

Temporary residence permits for Ukrainian citizens under temporary protection
From 1 April 2023, Ukrainian citizens who have a PESEL number with UKR status will be able to apply for temporary residence permits for the purpose of work or business. The solution is optional and addressed to those who feel confident on the Polish labour market and...