
From today it is possible to unlist a PESEL number

From today it is possible to unlist a PESEL number

From 17 November it is possible to unlist a PESEL number. Such a solution is to protect citizens against the use of their PESEL number by fraudsters, e.g. to take a loan, make an instalment purchase, etc. Unlistment will be possible in an application, on the mCitizen...

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Poland’s Independence Day

Poland’s Independence Day

Tomorrow, 11 November, we will celebrate National Independence Day. It is the 105th anniversary of the successful military and political struggle to liberate the country from the shackles of the three partitioners, who in 1795 carried out the final partition of...

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Minimum wage increase 2024 and employment of foreigners

Minimum wage increase 2024 and employment of foreigners

The minimum wage in 2024, as in 2023, will increase twice. From 1 January, it will be PLN 4242 and the minimum hourly rate on a contract of mandate will be PLN 27.70. From 1 July 2024, the minimum wage will be PLN 4,300 and the minimum hourly rate on a contract of...

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US calls on its citizens to leave Belarus immediately

US calls on its citizens to leave Belarus immediately

The US embassy in Minsk has called on its citizens to leave Belarus immediately. The US also advises against travel to the country due to "the buildup of Russian military forces, the possibility of civil unrest and the risk of detention". The action of the US embassy...

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