From 1 April 2023, Ukrainian citizens who have a PESEL number with UKR status will be able to apply for temporary residence permits for the purpose of work or business. The solution is optional and addressed to those who feel confident on the Polish labour market and want to resign from the temporary protection granted due to the war in Ukraine.

The regulations apply to the following permits:
- temporary residence and work permits,
- temporary residence permits for business purposes
- temporary residence permits for the purpose of highly qualified employment
An application for the above temporary residence permits may be submitted by a citizen of Ukraine who resides in Poland, has a PESEL number with the notation UKR and works or carries out business activity in Poland.
Importantly, there are planned extensions of temporary protection for Ukrainian citizens with UKR status until February 2024. The extension is significant in that it will cover those who cannot apply for temporary residence, such as family members of applicants.