In accordance with the Regulation of 16 March 2023 The Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration on the invitation template, the template of the application form for entering the invitation into the invitation register and the amount of funds that the inviter should have, Journal of Laws 2023, item 637, hereinafter referred to as the Ordinance) changes:
- invitation templates
- templates of the application form for entering an invitation into the register of invitations
- amount of funds an inviter should have

An inviting person should have financial resources to cover the costs related to the foreigner’s stay in the territory of the Republic of Poland, including the costs of accommodation and meals, allocated for him/herself, each dependent family member and each invited foreigner, at least in the amount of PLN 515 for each month of the foreigner’s planned stay for each of these persons.
The financial resources required by the Regulation are reduced to PLN 200 for each month of the foreigner’s planned stay if the foreigner is a descendant, ascendant or spouse of the inviting person, a parent of the inviting person’s spouse, a sibling of the inviting person or a child of the inviting person’s spouse.
The inviting foreigner should also have the financial means to cover the costs of the invited foreigner’s return journey to his/her country of origin or residence or the costs of transit to a third country which will grant the entry permit, in the amount equivalent to the ticket to that country, but not less than:
- PLN 200 – in the case of a return journey or transit to a country neighbouring the Republic of Poland;
- PLN 500 – in the case of a return journey or transit to a European Union Member State which is not a neighbour of the Republic of Poland, or to a Member State of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) – a party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, or to the Swiss Confederation;
- PLN 2,500 – in the case of a return journey or transit to a country other than specified in points 1 and 2.
The new template of the invitation and the application for entering the invitation into the register of invitations have been published as attachments to the regulation.