From 17 November it is possible to unlist a PESEL number. Such a solution is to protect citizens against the use of their PESEL number by fraudsters, e.g. to take a loan, make an instalment purchase, etc.

Unlistment will be possible in an application, on the mCitizen website or in person at a municipal office. Domestic banks, cooperative savings and credit unions and the post office will also be able to introduce the possibility of unlistment the PESEL number through them.
Thanks to the legal changes coming into force, it will be possible to:
– unlist the PESEL number.
– withdrawal of the PESEL number unlistment (at any time)
– setting automatic unlistment of PESEL number.
– checking the history of PESEL number verification by institutions, companies and individuals.
– viewing the history of status changes.
Unlistment of a PESEL number and withdrawal of the unlistment is free of charge.