Poland. Business Harbour – Changes

Changes in the identification of beneficiaries of the programme „Poland. Business Harbour”. The participant of the programme „Poland. Business Harbour” is not only a foreigner who is a holder of a visa with the note „Poland. Business Harbour” during its period of validity, but also a foreigner who, during the period of validity of the visa with the note „Poland. Business Harbour’ has applied for a residence permit entitling them to undertake and carry out economic activities referred to in Article 4(2)(1)(a)-(c), (g) and (h) of the Act of 6 March 2018 on the principles of participation of foreign entrepreneurs and other foreign persons in economic turnover on the territory of the Republic of Poland.

Accordingly, a foreigner holding a visa with the note 'Poland Business Harbour’, the validity of which expired on 31 July 2023 due to the expiry of the transitional period following the cancellation of the epidemic emergency, who has applied for a temporary residence permit for the purpose of carrying out business activities before 31 July 2023. may continue to carry out economic activity pursuant to Article 4(2)(6) of the Act of 6 March 2018 on the principles of participation of foreign entrepreneurs and other foreign persons in economic turnover on the territory of the Republic of Poland (Journal of Laws 2022, item 470).